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ManageAssess is a highly intuitive assessment workflow for centres that allows assessors to mark, verify and moderate with ease.


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ManageAssess is an innovative, cloud-based, scalable platform for centralised delivery and management of e-portfolios/evidence-based assessment workflow. It empowers teachers to assign tasks to students; set deadlines for hand-in dates; track student progress and assess the student submissions against learning objectives set for coursework and work-based practical assessment tasks.

Login to ManageAssess below, or keep scrolling for useful help and how-to guides.

About ManageAssess

Want to start using ManageAssess? Log in to the centre portal and complete the Registration of Intent form.


Benefits for Centres/providers:

  • Highly intuitive, learner centric, reflective mechanism for capturing performance
  • Work is collated around assessment tasks and linked to learning objectives
  • Models assessment workflow around a course or qualification – marking, internal verification and external verification
  • Facilitates and captures collaboration and tutor/employer mentoring
  • Transparently tracks progression
  • Provides clear indicators of ‘next-step’ readiness
  • Enables the contextual mark-up of the work with comments and criteria by all stakeholders in the assessment workflow
  • Supports formative and summative assessment
  • Intuitively informs progression and coverage

Additional benefits for Accreditation Organisations:

  • Significantly reduces operational costs – in some cases by up to 30%
  • Single system access to all centres and external assessment/moderation staff
  • In-built specification creation, management and publication tools
  • Detailed audit trail of assessment process down to individual learners
  • Transparent tracking of assessment, quality assurance & moderation process
  • Bi-directional data exchange with registration & certification systems


For further information about ManageAssess, e-mail our Customer Support Team: customersupport@vtct.org.uk or Login to ManageAssess here.

Want to start using ManageAssess? Log in to the centre portal and complete the Registration of Intent form.

Support Webinars

If you missed any of our ManageAssess “How-to” webinars, you can find them here

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