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VTCT supports Welsh Government agenda

VTCT is backing the Welsh Governments agenda to increase the number of Welsh language speakers to one million by 2050.

To do this, we are changing our approach to delivering teaching and so that it gives more opportunities for people to learn and develop their language skills. By developing dual language courses, it will not only teach people the Welsh language, but will help bring a new generation of Welsh speakers who will have so many more opportunities growing up knowing two languages.

According to the 2011 census reported by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, over the last decade there has been a decline in the number of Welsh speakers. The study found that approximately 562,000 people spoke Welsh in 2011, which compared to the 2001 study, showed a slight decrease.

VTCTs Welsh centres have been the driving force of this initiative and is proud to support this positive change in the country. VTCT’s mission is to keep the learner at the heart of what it does, and will continue to promote bilingual education across schools and further and higher education colleges and centres.