Over two days, VTCT and ITEC exhibited at Professional Beauty Johannesburg – Africa’s largest trade show for the beauty industry.
International Commercial Director, Runa McNamara and External Quality Assurer, Donna Waugh were there to meet with and support our centres by explaining the enhanced support from VTCT and ITEC following the merger.
On top of the exhibition, on day two all South African VTCT and ITEC centres met to better understand the way forward with both brands now working together.
The centres meeting, held at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Johannesburg was attended by 80 delegates. Runa explained the benefits and improvements for our training providers and learners following the partnership between VTCT and iTEC.
The meeting was supported by Donna Waugh, ITEC Administrator Jo-Rene Van Zyl, ITEC International Business Development Manager for South Africa, Elaine Willemse, and VTCT South Africa Agent Elma Schalkwyk. Dean Karageordiades from Pivot Point South Africa also provided a short presentation about the comprehensive Salonability resources.
Runa commented: “The event was a resounding success and viewed very positively by both ITEC and VTCT centres, with many now wanting to apply for dual approval to access the ‘best of both worlds’”
Founder and CEO at VTCT centre Laureate le Beauty Training Academy, Lorraine Tatenda Marira Okonkwo said: “I was so glad to be part of the breakfast meeting with such amazing centre owners for both VTCT and ITEC. I couldn’t believe looking at my background from Zimbabwe to where I am now, thank you for always encouraging and putting the positive side in me.”
Regarding the whole trip, Donna said: “People were lovely and it was great to see Runa and Elaine give out awards on the first night. On the second day all our ITEC and VTCT centres met to understand the exciting way forward with both brands. Then back onto the exhibition stand for the rest of the day.”